Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Ilmuwan 'Bikin' Makhluk Gabungan 6 Spesies Berbeda

London – Apa jadinya ketika ilmuwan memadukan sel dari enam hewan berbeda untuk menciptakan satu makhluk baru? Chimera pertama dunia pun terlahir. Seperti apa?

Terobosan ilmiah ini menghasil dua ekor makhluk yang menyerupai bayi monyet bernama Roku dan Hex. Keduanya diciptakan melalui bahan genetik dari enam ‘orang tua’.

Chimera merupakan organisme yang terbuat dari dua atau lebih sel yang secara genetik berasal dari sumber berbeda.

Nama si kembar ini diambil dari bahasa Jepang dan Yunani yang berarti enam. Para peneliti dari Oregon Health and Science University di Amerika Serikat (AS) mengekstrak sel dari enam embrio makua dan memadukannya menjadi satu embrio di laboratorium.

Setelah itu, para peneliti menanam embrio tersebut dalam ibu monyet. Di sisi lain, kelahiran makhluk ini memicu badai etika mengkritik ilmuwan telah merendahkan hewan.

“Menggunakan hewan hidup dalam riset menimbulkan kekhawatiran etika di mana hal ini akan menyakitkan bagi banyak hewan,” kata Dr Jarrod Bailey dari British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) seperti dikutip DM.

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified.

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified

Named after the fire-breathing creature in Greek mythology composed of parts of multiple animals, chimeras are organisms made up of cells from two or more genetically distinct sources.

Roku and Hex: Named after the fire-breathing creature in Greek mythology composed of parts of multiple animals, chimeras are organisms made up of cells from two or more genetically distinct sources.

Roku: The monkeys were created by 'gluing together' cells from several other embryos

Roku: The monkeys were created by 'gluing together' cells from several other embryos

A 'chimeric' blastocyst cell: The monkeys were created from cells of six other embryos

A 'chimeric' blastocyst cell: The monkeys were created from cells of six other embryos

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified.

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified.

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1815911/ilmuwan-bikin-makhluk-gabungan-6-spesies-berbeda

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